Wednesday, June 3, 2009

the Fundoo-Geek!

Hello my dear fellow Netizens: Welcome to the Fundoo-Geek! space.

I have been toying with the idea of having my own presence in the blogosphere. I have, ofcourse, made previous attempts at blogging under different identities until now. Now, because I have decided to re-incarnate my blogging avatar as "the Fundoo Geek!" and stay with it.
Why "the Fundoo Geek!" you ask? Well, I guess its kind of in-fashion in cyber space these days to use "Geek" Secondly, after spending hours to decide on a web avatar, today, it came like a bolt of flash - Fundoo! The word has fun, excitement, nonsence & slang in it. Yes, it is kind of slang - meaning "awesome!" or "cool!" or something similar

So, the next thing I do is do a quick search on for the domain "FundooGeek". VooHoo! its available. Also did a quick search on Google & Bing ... nope, nothing there either.
No more waiting my friends, the Fundoo Geek! has arrived ... born on the 3rd of June 2009.

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