Ben Franklin......the Greatest School of All
By: Natasha Kalwachwala, former BF student, now in 6th grade!
Benjamin Franklin Elementary School.....
The place where dreams are planted, nurtured, and brought to life.
What better a place to follow the rules!
With considerate teachers,
That are so very nice.
And a wonderful nurse,
that takes care,
Of those who have lice.
Benjamin Franklin Elementary School
The place where dreams are planted, nurtured, and brought to life.
BF, hosting fun things and such,
I definitely know that fun,
here, isn’t sparse much!
In BF, those dreams
can run and run.
All the way to a place with bright sun.
Benjamin Franklin Elementary School,
The place where dreams are planted, nurtured, and brought to life.
Custodians clean,
They do it the best!
Thank you so much,
For cleaning our nest!
The place where our childhood
Dreams come true,
Oh, BF, I must say thank you!
Benjamin Franklin Elementary School,
The place where my dreams were planted, nurtured, and brought to life.
Thank you!!
Awesome!! Great work Tashu.